
George Sullivan wrote the book called Trapped a nonfiction story about all the sufferings and pain people went tho.


  1. Length requirement is 250 words per post. Good luck.

  2. I like how you started your story out but I want to know more about this book because it sounds like a good but but if you was to tell me more about the book I would want to know what happened in the beginning and the middle and the end. Why is the book called trapped whos the main character what’s his/her role how many people are in the book. What did you think about the book is it a good book is the theme and the mood just right,what would you add or change in this book to make it a great book.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good start so far keep going make sure you use punctuation marks at the end of your sentences. Don't forget to add topic sentence and body paragraph and also the conclusion/summary is the most important. If you need to make and extra sentence of length or to back up your claim from the story use one or the quote. Use different words every other sentence so the reader does not get bored or not interested in the story they are reading anymore. Nice fancy words will make your blogg story more interesting to read for others your doing good daniel keep going.


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